Music Is YouTube’s #1 Category and Still Growing
Despite a surge in uploads related to gaming, music continues to dominate YouTube with more views per video than any other category.
Music generated the most views per video on YouTube and was responsible for the overwhelming majority of videos with more than 1 billion views there.

After normalizing for the duration of each upload, music’s 2,944 views per minute is more than double that of Entertainment and roughly 22 times greater than Gaming, according to a study of YouTube data by Pex.

Music Dominates
For the “10 to 100 million” and “100 million to 1 billion” views tiers, Music leads the way in share of total videos with 30% and 57%, respectively.
For videos exceeding 1 billion views, Music is responsible for 83% of videos. Entertainment manages only 1.5% of such videos, while Gaming comprises just 0.5%.

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