Understanding T-Minus – A New Tinnitus Sound Therapy Resource
Tinnitus is an incredibly common condition, particularly for those operating in and around the music industry. Now, Abbey Records and T-Minus are partnering to create an app designed to give those suffering an effective and accessible sound therapy resource.
Guest post by Meredith Nadeau of The Orchard’s The Daily Rind
Abbey Records recently rolled out a new collection of sounds in partnership with T-Minus, aimed to support those suffering with tinnitus. Learn more about app and its ideation in the post below brought to you by the T-Minus team.
1 in 8 adults in the UK suffer from tinnitus. For those of us in the music industry, that stat is believed to be even higher *. Many will experience the symptoms of tinnitus as a bothersome, temporary ringing after exposure to loud noise; at gigs or in the studio. However for others, it is a non-relenting, persistent sound(s) that never leaves. Tinnitus is a condition that can have very drastic effects on people’s lives, causing isolation, insomnia, anxiety, depression and many other thoughts and experiences. Despite its prevalence, many of those who suffer with tinnitus, particularly those working in music, continue to struggle without discussing it or seeking treatment, and therefore go without relief. It is fair to say that a stigma exists in the industry, whereby sufferers believe revealing the truth, may affect hiring opportunities and acceptance may make the condition worse. We hope to alleviate those fears right now and we welcome you to be part of a growing community who are free to talk about the condition, who are asking for better management tools and who advocate prevention through good hearing protection practices.

Having launched in January 2020, T-Minus aim to be the leading tinnitus resource to the music industry, with the highest quality management tools and holistic approaches, relevant information and perhaps most importantly, to give those with tinnitus a voice. Key aims of the T-Minus content and particularly the tinnitus specific sound therapy and new T-Minus iOS app are to:
- support your journey to wellness,
- support better sleep,
- improve relaxation,
- support mindfulness and to
- reduce the feelings of isolation and anxiety in those with the condition.
The T-Minus project is brainchild of professional musician, producer and long-term tinnitus sufferer, Rupert Brown who has spent his life collating an incredible, captivating and unique music library of what he calls ‘Mind Environments’ – each one meticulously crafted to suit the individual specifications of those looking to take back control of their auditory environments. Rupert created this unique library of tinnitus specific sound therapy as part of his own wellness approach and now shares the library with all those who need it.
Having worked alongside the likes of Roy Ayers, Nigel Kennedy, Cher, The Lighthouse Family and many others, Rupert first developed tinnitus in his early twenties after playing drums for Roy Ayers at Ronnie Scott’s jazz club.
T-Minus composer and co-founder, Rupert Brown:
“I have suffered with tinnitus for over 30 years. Creating this music has been an incredible journey, it’s been scary, dark and emotional, it has opened up deep wounds and sensitivities surrounding my own issues, but I have relished the challenge and found this to be utterly exhilarating and cathartic. What started out as a DIY approach to my own tinnitus has led me to create this sound therapy library, I hope it’s as helpful to others as it has been for me.”
We encourage you to join our community, to begin talking about your tinnitus and to begin your journey with sound therapy via the T-Minus app.
*Research into the prevalence of tinnitus in professional musicians is currently taking place with The British Tinnitus Association and Help Musicians. If you wish to take part in the study, you can contact us directly at hello@t-minus.info