2000 Black Artists, Labels, Producers To Support On Bandcamp Today Commission Free
Just in time to inform your Juneteenth music purchases, a fan-generated list of black artists, producers, and labels on Bandcamp has grown past 2000 entries.
Today on Juneteenth 2020 from midnight to midnight PDT and every Juneteenth hereafter Bandcamp will donate 100% of its share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.
Bjork and many independent artists and labels are donating Bandcamp proceeds today as well.
“This sheet is a work in progress (non-exhaustive) and administered by a group of volunteers – any additions/edits/suggestions are very welcome via e-mail with links to collectivedatavol@gmail.com,” reads the top of the Google spreadsheet. “Please only suggest Black producers / artists or Black owned labels.”

List Of 2000+ Black Artists, Producers and Black Owned Labels To Support On Bandcamp
MORE: Bandcamp Waves Juneteenth Commissions, Bjork, Many Other Indies Joins In
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