Brian Wilson Supports Boycott Beach Boys Concert Boycott
Brian Wilson, a founding member of the Beach Boys, has called on fans to boycott one of the band’s upcoming shows.
The Beach Boys are performing a February 5th concert at the Safari Club International Convention in Reno, Nevada and fans launched an online petition asking them to cancel.
The petition, which has been signed by more than 122,000 fans to date, addresses Beach Boys manager Elliott Lott directly, stated:
“We the undersigned pledge to stop buying or downloading all Beach Boys music, going to Beach Boys concerts, and purchasing any Beach Boys merchandise until the Beach Boys withdraw from the SCI Convention and publicly state their opposition to this sick ‘sport’ of killing animals for ‘fun’.”
“We will call on the Beach Boys’ record label, agent and publicists to disown the Beach Boys, and on members of the public to protest at forthcoming Beach Boys concerts, unless they do so.”
Wilson supported the petition, posting a link to it on social media, and writing:
The conference, which features noted trophy hunter Donald Trump Jr. as a keynote speaker, includes an auction for a 7-day South Africa Nyala and plains game hunt.
Trophy Hunting should be banned!