Music Business

How Music Can Help Veterans

The power of music in its use as a therapeutic tool has long been known, and when it comes to individuals who have experienced significant trauma (such as veterans) music can be invaluable in the healing process.

In this recent piece from MusicThinkTank, contributor Dan Matthews examines the value of music in helping improve the wellbeing of veterans and in effectively processing trauma.

“…veterans of all ages, no matter the branch or duration of service time, can find benefits in music. Exposure to music can happen via lessons, music therapy/counseling, or veteran-led bands that put on shows for their fellow servicemen and women. Veterans can even just sit back and enjoy the music of Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, or Tool’s Maynard James Keenan, each of whom is a household name as well as a veteran.”

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  1. I strongly believe music as effective as therapeutic tool.I love the feel of being a musician and music really helps a lot to motivate during a hard time. Recently I had to work longer hours to write my thesis paper for me and when I feel bored I listen to some music. So, for me, music is really refreshing.

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