The Road To Becoming A Great Composer
Crafting a good piece of music can be a great deal of effort, with many practical and theoretical factors to consider in creating something truly memorable. Fortunately, as with any skill, there are certain practices which can improve your odds of become a great composter.
In this latest piece from MusicThinkTank, contributor Kevin Gardner outlines some of the best practices to employ in your journey to becoming a great composer that increase the likelihood of actually achieving your goals.
“Artists who are willing to take a few risks, try new techniques and deploy new aesthetics are motivated to keep creating. Listen to a new style of music or a composition that’s outside of your usual writing niche. Experimental composer Annie Gosfield noted in a 2009 piece for The New York Times that it’s crucial for composers at any stage in their career to keep looking for new sounds. Whether you’re just starting out or you have decades of composition experience, continuing to explore new sounds, playing styles and instrumental arrangements will keep you motivated and excited to complete your next piece.”
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