Bandsintown Events Promotion Pages get an update
Bandsintown Events Promotion Pages have been updated with the addition of QR codes and more.
The Bandsintown Events Promotion Page aggregates an artist’s tour dates and ticket information on a single page. It is designed to be shared on social media, via Linkfire, and across the web as well as on printed material with a new QR code generation feature.

Part of the free Bandsintown For Artists platform, the Events Promotion Page also includes tools to increase fan engagement, such as the ‘Track’, ‘Notify Me’, ‘Play My City’ and ‘RSVP’ buttons.
Promotion Page activity can be tracked, including page views, clicks, and fan engagement in general, in the free Bandsintown Insights analytics platform.

Registered Bandsintown artists can get their free event page here.
Bruce Houghton is the Founder and Editor of Hypebot, a Senior Advisor at Bandsintown, President of the Skyline Artists Agency, and a Berklee College Of Music professor.