Is It Possible For Touring Musicians To Attend School
The question of attending college or going back to school is a dilemma many artists face at some point throughout their career. While it can stabilize your position in the industry and give some broader career options, balancing your life as a musician and getting a degree can be difficult. Here we look at some options the modern musician has when it comes to attending school.
In this most recent post on MusicThinkTank, contributor Sam Bowman tackles the challenge of getting higher ed degree while working as a active musician, and outlines some of the options that exist for doing both.
"If you’re thinking of earning a degree, you may not have to start all the way at the beginning of a program. Many schools allow you to transfer credits that you’ve previously earned at other qualifying institutions. If you’ve taken some courses or even earned an associate’s degree, you may be able to apply some or all of those credits toward your new degree. Some schools will even offer credits for military service. Receiving credit for previous school or real-life experience can also help to keep the cost of your school more manageable, since you’ll have to take fewer courses and can graduate sooner. "
School activities often stop me from making music. Sometimes it really becomes a problem. It is good that there are many services such as – there you can order work in management and in other areas. It is simple and affordable. And much more time is left for a hobby.