
5 Tips For A Successful Tour [VIDEO]

4As live touring continues to become an increasingly important aspect of a band/artist cultivating a successful music career, more acts are loading up the van with dreams of success, but hitting the road without first planning ahead has derailed many a promising talent's future in the industry.


Guest post by James Shotwell of Haulix

Touring is an increasingly important element to a successful music career, but getting on the road too early has inevitably lead many promising talents awry.

There are few things more exciting or fulfilling than being on tour. Not only are you afforded the opportunity to perform your music for people who want to hear it, but you can see the world as well. Being on the road allows musicians at every level to see how the rest of the human race lives, and through doing so, many find the inspiration to create their best work.

There is a catch, however, and it’s a big one. Artists who attempt to tour before they have the right elements of their career in place are destined for hardships and failure. You may be able to string together a tour, and you may be able to make a little money doing so, but unless you have plans in place you will, eventually, burn out before your dreams of success in the music business come to fruition. It has happened a million times already, and it will no doubt happen a million more in the future.

In this episode of Music Biz 101, host James Shotwell breaks down the five (5) things every artist and group needs to do before they consider getting on the road.

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