5 Tips For Saving Money On Tour This Summer
Being an independent touring musician may seem like an amazing job (and it can be!) but the reality is that life on the can be grueling and often expensive. Here we look at some key money-saving measures that prevent your tour from being a total financial bust.
In this recent piece on MusicThinkTank, contributor Gideon Waxman offers five key tips on how artists can save more of their hard earned cash while facing the challenges of life on the road.
"Hotels can cost a small fortune, especially if you’ve got 4 or more people in your band! Although not even close to being as comfortable, crashing on the floors and couches of friends and family in nearby towns is a very good way to save a buck. If fans, friends-of-friends, or promoters are able to put you up, definitely look into those options. Be sure to offer to put them on the guest list for a show to thank them for their generosity. I like to use Couchsurfing in the same way — offering a spot on the guest list or a free CD to anyone that puts me up on the road."