
Registering Your Band Name, Logo

1Even in the early stages of brand development, it's a good practice for bands or solo artists to take the time to register their name, and any particular logos associated with the act, through the proper copyright channels. The process is relatively painless, and can help your brand grow, in addition to keeping you safe from counterfeit sellers.


In this latest contribution to MusicThinkTank, Daniel Miller walks DIY artists through the process of registering their band name/logo/phrase through the official channels.

"For ecommerce purposes, it is beneficial to register your mark as it is easier to enforce your intellectual property rights. Many online sellers without registered trademarks have had their business suffer dramatically as a result of counterfeit sellers on websites such as Amazon, eBay, Bonanza, Etsy, eCrater, etc. Although common law rights do exist, bands need to formally register their trademark rights with the UPSPTO to properly protect themselves online and have the best chance to successfully combat any infringing sales."

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