
How UnbelievableBeats Makes Money From Free Beats [CASE STUDY]

1Here we examine a case study of artist  Shaun Friedman who decided that, rather than sell his substantial library of unused beats, he would give them away for free, all the while building his mailing list and finding other creative ways to profit off of his work.


In this latest article from MusicThinkTank, Wes Walls unveils the case study of how a beatmaker was able to turn his music into revenue by giving it away.

"'The first 15 or so tracks listed on the website are free, with the exception of one of them that requires an email address,” said Shaun. “Then further down the list I made the next block of 10 tracks needing an email, then the next block of 10 not needing an email. I switched this back and forth all the way down till the end of the tracks.'

Shaun also sprinkles newsletter signup forms throughout his website, and uses his other properties and YouTube to help drive more signups."

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