
Pinterest Is Becoming A Go To Social Network For Music Fans

image from seeklogo.comPinterest, the go to social network for 150 million fashionistas, foodies who like to snap photos and home decorators is fast becoming a destination for music fans. Why? How? The ability to "pin" videos.

image from cdn0.iconfinder.com

image from blog.pinterest.com

To pin a video on Pinterest, users just click the Pin It button on sites like YouTube and Vimeo. The result has been many thousands of music fans creating and sharing their favorite YouTube music playlists.

According to a Millward Brown Study, 87% of Pinners have purchased something they’ve seen on Pinterest, while 93% plan to do so. According to a 2016 Pew Research study, of U.S. adults online, 45% of women use Pinterest compared to only 17% of men.

You can also see other videos from pinners by clicking Videos from the categories menu.

image from blog.pinterest.com

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