10 Tips For Sending Songs
When sending either beats or songs to someone in hopes of landing a placement, there are certain rules one should follow that will greatly increase their chances of success. Here we look at ten such tips.
Guest Post from Trill Trax
Sending beats or songs both have certain rules that will help you land a placement. Here is a compilation of tips.
Mixed properly
While mastering has become normal to keep up with the competition, you don’t have to do it. If the client chooses to use your work, they will layer vocals on top and then get it mastered.
Include your contact information
Metadata is important when trying to contact who sent the material. Add your phone number next to your produced by tag. If you use iTunes to edit your metadata, include your email and social network information
You can also label the key following your phone number. Example: Sunshine (Prod. By Trill Trax) (333) 444-5678 (Am)
Performing Rights Organization
This can also be included in the metadata summary in iTunes. BMI, ASCAP or SESAC.
Songs with Reference Hooks
DJ Packs
Include a clean and dirty version
Include the acapella
Include the instrumental
If needed, create a DJ Intro (8-bars) both clean and dirty
As simple as it is, a strong title can help the artist see the vision you had for a song. Do not send tracks labelled as “track 1, track 2, etc.”
Break the songs up into the appropriate structure. Intro, hook, verse, bridge and outro should be distinct and easily countable between 8, 16 and 32 bars
Include your tag at the beginning of the track. Don’t worry about having them throughout the track as you already have your copyright
Studio Contact
Include the studio who you worked with, engineer and number for operations. They may need to contact you or them regarding stems.
I don’t understand the following: Songs with Reference Hooks
1.1Include the contact information of the singer (I would always do this as I would be the singer)
2.Include the instrumental (????)
3.Include a copy of the hook written (???)
Metadata = ??????? I don’t know what this word means
Checking on tags?
Enjoy your lessons
U and Rick barker are informative and generous with knowledge