American Music Abroad Program Accepting Applications Now
American Music Abroad represents the new generation of musical ambassadors; reaching beyond concert halls to interact with other musicians and citizens around the globe. During 2015 and 2016, the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs will partner with American Voices to send 10 American roots music groups in different genres to more than 50 countries.
Each year, approximately 10 ensembles are selected to embark on a month-long, multi-country tour, where they engage with international audiences through public concerts, interactive performances with local musicians, lectures and demonstrations, workshops, jam sessions, and media interviews.
American Music Abroad activities focus on younger and underserved audiences in countries where people have few opportunities to meet American performers and experience their music first-hand. AMA bands have traveled to more than 75 countries around the world since 2011.
The application period for the 2016-2017 tour season is NOW OPEN! The deadline is January 24, 2016. APPLY NOW!
See program details and application requirements.
via A2IM