Overheard @SFMusicTech
Last week, SF Music Tech, the gathering of the music tech tribe, held its latest session. As usual, attendees looked forward rather than complaining about the past and present. Playlists and blockchain joined the conversations about funding, revenue models and discovery. Here are a few takeaways shared via Twitter.
@dmitrivietze - A guy @SFMusicTech: Stealing is easier than buying. Ty Roberts: Making music is easier than stealing it. #sfmusictech
@projectnextup - Today's lesson: get your #metadata right the first time, or you'll struggle getting $$$ for the rest of forever. #MusicIndustry #SFMusicTech
@meganhimel - "iTunes is a virus on my computer" #thingsiveheardtoday #musicbusiness #sfmusictech
@CathyGellis - "Where is radio in the discussion of helping indy music succeed?" Actual answer: crippled by the statutory license nonsense. #SFMusicTech
@projectnextup - Songwriters are probably more regulated than weapons makers. – Michael Simon of @harryfoxagency #woah #musicbusiness #SFMusicTech
@KRSFow - Yes, hopefully the accumulation of those pennies is enough for artists to live. – Stephen White of Dubset Media #SFMusicTech
@HishamDahud - Streaming itself isn't bad for artists (let's end that now), it's the economics of streaming that's been hurting. #SFMusicTech
@openchakra - "The future of an independent label might be being a community leader" @kbreuner #sfmusictech