Using FanBridge To Promote Episodic Content
If you're an artist who regularly releases episodic content such as a podcast, video series, or even just new music, FanBridge can be a useful resource for collecting information from your fans while simultaneously promoting your content.
Guest Post by Team FanBridge on FanBridge
If you produce episodic content, then FanBridge is a great resource to help build an audience that is eager to tune-in regularly. What do we mean when we say “episodic content”? We’re referring to the type of content that contains or is part of a series that is published in segments. This can include a web series, podcast, or even a series of blog posts.
There are many ways to collect fan information through FanBridge while promoting your content. To start, be sure you have mailing list signup links on your content profiles. For podcasts, that could be your SoundCloud profile, and for web shows, that could be on your YouTube or Vimeo page. Also be sure to include calls to signup in the descriptions and summaries of your content. Use some enticing language to sell your newsletter next to the Fan Action Page URL. And for even more call outs, you can actually use your own words to tell your listeners or viewers where they can go for more exclusive content. If you are a video series, put your call out in the end card or outro. If you are an audio podcast, include it in your sign off.
As you grow your list of subscribers, your readers will be primed to engage as regularly with your newsletter as they do with your content. There are plenty of easy ways to keep those readers interested as you continue to send out regular newsletters.
Use the Template Tool to assemble a newsletter that promotes your newest episode as a featured item while keeping new fans up-to-date with episodes they might have missed. Do you often feature guests or collaborators? Give them a shout out!
And if your series is ad supported, improve that referral traffic with banner ads in your newsletter. This way, you are sending your affinity audience directly to your sponsor location. Have a direct referral URL? Use it to make sure you get the credit for sending your fans their way. Plus, use campaign analytics to see how your sponsored posts are performing. Going the extra mile for your sponsors is the kind of engagement that sees returns and makes bank *cha-ching*
Outside of email newsletters, go one-on-one with your viewers or listeners with Fan Questions. Questions queue privately and are easy to search and sort all in one central location, so if you solicit viewer/listener questions, you don’t have to worry about the mess of out-of-control Facebook comments or maybe a shared Twitter hashtag. Best of all, more than 70% of people who submit a question also subscribe to the mailing list, further booster the collection part of your marketing efforts.
Check out the video below to see how you can intertwine your episodic content with FanBridge: