From The “Why Haven’t They Done This Already?” Dept: Tennessee Lawmakers Consider Ban On Guns At Concerts
The intersection of music and public policy is often a muddle of conflicting interests and viewpoints. But allowing patrons to be bring guns to concerts? Why are we even having still having this discussion?
A state representative in Tennessee has filed a new bill that would allow public concert venues and professional sports stadiums owned by local municipalities to band guns at live events.
The proposed legislation would create an exemption to the "guns in parks" law that prohibits local governments from imposing bans on firearms ticketed events at public parks and any site used by a professional sports team for training or games, The Tennessean reported.
"Allowing guns in areas with large crowds where alcohol is consumed is a recipe for disaster, and creates a grave danger for law enforcement officers, who might not be able to distinguish friendlies with a gun from criminals," state Senate Majority Leader Lee Harris, D-Memphis, said in a news release.
The so-called 'Guns in Parks' law, passed earlier this year, has been a source of some confusion and would appear to allow gun owners with valid permits to carry their weapons into venues such as Nissan Stadium, the Tennessee Titans football team, or Ascend Amphitheater, both of which are owned by Metro Nashville.
"Since a county or municipality no longer has the authority to prohibit handgun carry permit holders from possessing handguns in public parks and other recreational facilities, a county or municipality cannot convey or delegate any such authority to anyone else, either directly or indirectly," Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery wrote in a recent legal opinion.
"County or municipal ownership is all that is needed to bring the property within the scope of the statute," Slattery added.
Despite the question of legality, Metro Nashville still currently plans to impose bans on weapons at concerts and sporting events this fall, The Tennessean said.