
7 Steps to Artistic Longevity in the New Music Business

LongevityThe attention span of the human mind is diminishing. In the world of music this is especially true. Not only are attention spans getting shorter, but the world is being over-saturated with music (good and not so good) through various digital outlets. Can your music make it for the long haul? 


Anyone can be a music star with a good YouTube video or Vine and that makes it difficult to create a legitimate career that can last for decades to come. Thankfully, Earl Brinkley shares in this article how you can create longevity in your music career.

Longevity, according to Brinkley, is all based on your own doing. You have to be willing to put in the work constantly to find funding, garner publicity and keep every aspect of your career together. And you have to do all of this while being constantly open to create art that is authentic. Does this seem sustainable for the long run on our own? Do you think that this is possible without the help of major record labels? Check out Earl Brinkley's article on MusicThinkTank.com and let us know what you think in the comments section. 

"1st understand that no matter what your style, skill level, or age is, there’s a tribe of humans out there among the billions that will love what you do, and gladly pay for it. Your challenge is to find them, move them, and continue to feed them. BTW I’ll start by saying ‘That’s the part that seems at times impossible but it’s not!!! SUPER hard and SUPER expensive, but not impossible!"

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