
What Can You Do With A Degree In Music? Six Fun And Rewarding Careers To Consider

6 Fun And Rewarding Careers To ConsiderThe music industry includes more than musicians. If you are a music lover, then you can find ways to incorporate that into your dream career

The music industry is filled with people that want to be in the spotlight. They either sing or play an instrument and want to share their talents with the world. While that aspect of the business is most visible, there are many careers that are behind the scenes that still make the music industry an exciting field. Some of those careers may be ones you have heard about. In this article, Anita Ginsburg shares six of many career options you have to choose in the music industry. 

Sometimes you don't want to be front and center. Maybe you prefer combine many of your passions to enhance your career in music. If you love video gaming, you may want to compose the music to video games. If you are a legal eagle, you may want to be an entertainment attorney. Choosing your career path does not mean leaving behind the things you love; it means you have the opportunity to combine all of your interests into doing something worthwhile. Check out Anita Ginsburg's awesome career options for music lovers on MusicThinkTank.com.

"With a wide range of potential salaries and careers available in the music industry, you could be anything from a video game audio designer, an orchestral musician, a musical therapist, a TV music supervisor, a music attorney and or an orchestra conductor."

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