
Keep Your Life in Order While on Tour

Images (1)Touring is essential to a band's success. In an age where music is easily pirated and consumers have shorter attention spans, going on tour can be one of the best ways to reach your fans and stay relevant. However, most musicians do not have the luxury of having personal assistants keeping their lives afloat while they are playing gigs every night. In most cases the little details of life can fall through the cracks when you are on the road. Cherie Nelson understands this plight, and gives practical ways to help streamline those tasks. 

Life does not stop when we go on tour. When you are on the road the little things can be too much of a burden and soon important questions can flood your mind. Have I paid my bills? Have I sent those emails? Did I make sure I connected with my fans this week? All of the little details are important, but it shouldn't hamper the time you have. In this article, Cherie Nelson gives ways to keep track of the little things while on tour. Check out tips on how to manage life while on tour at MusicThinkTank.com

"Traveling from one city to the next like a kid on the playground monkey bars, there isn't time to get much else done but your performances when you're on tour. Since life doesn't stop back home when you're on the road, here are four helpful tools to automate your responsibilities so you can focus on the music."

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