5 Ways to Follow Up with Your CMJ Contacts Before SXSW [Kosha Dillz]
By Kosha Dillz
CMJ was an amazing week. You were probably supposed to follow up with a bunch of people and forgot or you might not be trying hard enough. Let me tell you that now is the perfect time to do so, because we are far away from SXSW, just enough before Thanksgiving and right after Halloween, which is perfect for a real corny joke in a email. This can be used for any music conference you may have attended or will attend, from NACA to SXSW to CMJ to NXNE to Art Basel in Miami. You can even use it after a long day of shows on the road.
1. Compile all your old texts and emails from that week
Little do you know but I always meet people and with nearly 4000 contacts in my phone, I just dont bother to save their number. If I look back to the number, I can text that person again. If I want to really engage, say hi, use many emjois and ask them how their day is. This is the opportunity to work, make a new friend, client, or fan. Focus on the connection and not "what you want."
2. Go through all your business cards
Drop them a friendly line and mention how you know they have been busy, even though you have probably forgot about them. It is never too late to hit someone up, but if you don't you will never know if you don't do it. If you're like me, you probably stockpile cards from all CMJ's and SXSW, so there is an easy way to drop the "connecting line."
3. Go through the CMJ panel app
I attended some cool things and checked out the app. Its good to make a couple thank you's on twitter and a chance to interact. A hello will go a long way. They have also forgotten it, but making the effort to connect with someone might get a response. Once the conversation starts, it is a level playing field! People really appreciate it when you come to the panels or comment on them. Most people are always on email for work and not talking.
4. Hashtag Hail Mary and Gmail key word searches
Were you at a show and you met someone? Maybe you didn't stay in touch? CMJ Reviews are still coming in daily and you can find out places you almost went to and/or places you were but missed an act. Maybe this is a good way to send someone your music or services with a starting point in the conversation. Someone did this to me and mentioned he heard my music, and although I knew he was lying (based on sites he mentioned to me) I didn't care so much and actually respected him because he wanted to connect with me. So with hashtags, you can chime in on something you know happened. You can do this for #funfunfunfest in austin this weekend and chime in LIVE to the people who are there. For instance I made this song about the festival, and I will promote it as an experiment through hashtags. With something easier, just type in CMJ in your inbox on gmail. Many of your random emails may say "nice meeting you at CMJ!" so your searches come up easier. (Oh and BTW, let me know what you think of the song!)
5. Help promote CMJ artist reviews , listen to their tunes and contact them
Artist play free shows all week and come to CMJ from all over the world. We not only have the biggest fear that the money we took out of the bank to at CMJ has hurt us, but it'd make the experience if people took time out of the busy schedule to check out our tunes. It would actually help the publicists keep their job since it'd prove the way you found out about the music, WORKS! For instance I had a write up that I was one of the premier hip hop acts to see at CMJ in the Village Voice, and I contacted all the people who Retweeted or favorited the article. I ended up in conversation with someone and sent more of my music to them via email. Who knows, we might be working together more by SXSW?
These 5 things might be able to help kick start your weekend to some well needed reconnection. Take a second to do your laundry get all the business cards out of your jean pockets. Clear out your texts and emails, and do some online searches. Remember, relationships don't only happen in one meeting. You're confusing those with one night stands.Relationships take effort! Don't let your CMJ experience or any festival experience be a one night stand! Lastly, I hoped you like this article and share it with some peers. Comment below and let us know what you think about this list and if there is anything we missed!
Kosha Dillz is a self proclaimed Jewish rapping DIY mastermind, and Rza said he is "one of the rawest Jewish Kids I know proving that hip hop comes in all forms shapes and sizes. His new music video In Da Club is a smash hit, and he just made a rap song about Fun Fun Fun Fest. You can buy his shirts Here, and read about how ISIS hacked his website here. Follow him on twitter or Facebook or youtube and email him for emotional help at rapperfriends(at)gmail.com
this guy is always writing the best articles. He is a true hustler!