French Music Tech Startups Gather At SXSW
If you're at SXSW time is running out to catch the French Tech Club's events featuring music tech startups from France. The last Club event is this evening with live bands from France. However you can still connect with the startups at the French Tech Pavilion through tomorrow. These events are part of a larger effort to raise the presence of French tech at SXSW involving both industry professionals and the French government.
The French Tech Initiative involves a number of players and, to be honest, I haven't been able to sort out all the details. For music tech, the start of all this seems to be a decision by the folks at Bonjour SXSW who organized this year's first French Tech Club at SXSW.
Bonjour SXSW joined with the Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the US, UBIFRANCE, Cap Digital, France Digital, BUREAU EXPORT, Invest in France Agency and BETC Startup Lab for the larger mission of raising awareness. This includes a presence at the French Pavilion of a larger group of tech organizations.
French Music Tech at SXSW
The following music tech startups are a big part of the action:
Bobler – "The Vocal Social Media"
Evergig – "Shoot, share, enjoy concerts, whenever you want, wherever you want!"
Meludia – "The 1st fast-track program to develop music abilities through sensations. "
Sounderbox – "Share the Music, be the dj…social collaboration"
Whyd – "Social Music Discovery, Streaming Music…Collect & Share Tracks You Love."
Wiseband – "Wiseband empowers the artist."
You can check out events at the French Tech Club continuing through this evening.
Action continues at the French Tech Pavilion through tomorrow.
Bonus: Whyd is currently featuring tracks from every band at this year's SXSW.
Though some high profile tech companies have opted out of SXSW Interactive this year, the international presence is growing in in tech as well as in music.
SXSW Interactive director Hugh Forrest said "attendees had registered from 74 different countries, up from 54 last year."
Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith (Twitter/Facebook) is currently relaunching All World Dance. To suggest topics about music tech, DIY music biz or music marketing for Hypebot, contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.