Mobile Music Survey: 27.6% Pay For Streaming, 12.6% Pay For More Than One Service
A recent mobile survey shed some interesting light on mobile music listeners who use more than one app or service and sometimes even pay for more than one service. The larger relevance of the survey is a bit hard to evaluate but it does suggest a need to look more closely at early adopters and super adopters. For example, are these people functioning as trend setters and indicating where future behavior is heading or are they obsessive freaks with too much time and money on their hands?
eMarketer shares some data points primarily from a Mobile Music Survey by Ask Your Target Market.
The survey results are based on a sample of 400 but no other info about the respondents is shared with the results.
Mobile Music Survey
Do you ever listen to music on mobile devices?
Yes, often 24.7%
Yes, sometimes 26.5%
Rarely 18.2%
Never 30.5%
Here I'd love to know more about the respondents. Who are we really talking about? I'm particularly curious about age but other demographic factors would be worth knowing about as well.
But two questions for those who do listen to music on mobile devices seemed interesting regardless.
Do you have any apps that stream music (Pandora, Spotify, etc.)?
Yes, multiple 28.4%
Yes, one 31.2%
No 40.2%
Do you pay for any premium mobile music apps or subscription services?
Yes, multiple 12.6%
Yes, one 15.0%
No 72.2%
These two questions are a reminder that not only are people using multiple devices at once, though presumably not multiple music sources at once, but about half of those that are into music apps and service are using multiple apps and a bit less than half of those who pay are paying for multiple services.
I would really like to know more about people who say they're using and even paying for multiple services.
In particular, I wonder if they're simply a large crowd of early adopters or represent an emerging preference for multiple options.
And if they're combining paid and free, what makes them pay for one service over another?
So no big research breakthroughs here but some interesting possibilities to consider.
For example, are the 27.6% who pay for streaming music apps or services representative of the 3 in 10 adult Americans who are said to be "Super Tech Adopters?"
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Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith (Twitter/Facebook) is relaunching All World Dance. To suggest topics about music tech, DIY music biz or music marketing for Hypebot, contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.