
How To Revitalize Your Hustle By Showing Up For Your Loved Ones

Kosha-dillz-kickstarterBy indie rapper Kosha Dillz (@koshadillz) who appeared on Daytrotter this week.

During the holidays when touring season is low, we get a chance to enjoy the cold snowy days with our family.

So often we are submerged in work, we forget about the special person in our life that is many times the backbone of our entire existence. The one who is there when you are broke and beaten after a horrible tour, or the one who is there to put up with all the time you are away. They come to all your shows, wait around for you to finish your low paying gig, and dream of being on the road with you but they have their own life.

After your 70- 90 hour work week…what gives? A couple moments could be all the time you need to help push you over the edge in your business. If you are not in a "relationship", this can still be used to better your relationships in any area of your life.

1. Don't talk to them about your work all the time

I dont think they need to hear about it all the time. Why don't you ask them how their work is? How their day was? Take a second to ask them about their time, now that you are not all caught up in your music life, tour etc. Take a time and stop it all.

The other day I enjoyed a "face time moment" and I thought "This is more important than any social media or email." Lots of music people are so driven by OCD that half the time we are working we aren't even working, so what's up with giving yourself some time?

2. Ask for their opinion about something important

An outside perspective from someone who knows you dearly will def get you insight on how to conduct yourself at work. My lady recently said I should stop worrying about selling so much merch during the show. The running around will take away from the experience and you will lose out on gaining new fans by obsessing over selling. She was right. Even though she is not a touring artist, she has pretty good insight.

3. Show them off to your fans and friends and family on occasion

People think of you so much to be a work machine, it's amazing to consider seeing a beautiful person care about you in real life for something other than connections, fans, and or music. Also makes us proud. Give them a twirl.

4. Hang out with them at places other than music

For example, a play, musical, ice skating, dog walking, coffee shop, apple picking. If you are a macho person (male-centered assumption) do something like apple picking. If you are known for your diva-ness, you should both go exercise together.

For a Christmas or late Hanukkah gift, make sure you do not give them free merch. That also goes for shows. If you do go to a show, buy a ticket, and try not promoting for one night at someone else's event.

5. The Unexpected Surprise gives life to the soul

They always know where you are gonna be. You are on your phone on the road or on the computer somewhere. Maybe spice things up and pop up for 24 hrs if you are gone. Send flowers today or send a cactus. Making a life awesome is all about making the day awesome. Get a dozen bagels for their workplace.

In the business of relationships, it's the small things that count. Sometimes we forget to remember that in our own lives, so cheers to a friendly reminder. Next coffee is on me.

Now back to work!

@koshadillz is a DIY MC who recently opened up for @matisyahu on the Festival of Lights Tour. His album "Awkward in a Good Way" is now available on iTunes and can also be streamed on his website, koshadillzworld.com. It originally premiered on Billboard this past month.

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