This Is Your Brain On Music [INFOGRAPHIC]
We know that music has a profound affect on people, but what exactly does it do to their braid – the their ability to think, make decisions or learn.
This infographic from the University of Florida also includes some interesting correlations between brainwaves and emotions.
“what exactly does it do to their braid?”
Oh, you must be talking about longhair music. 🙂
That’s a good one, Goldilocks.
You’re always thinking about hair!
Research does show that loud music leads to split ends!
As a music and neuroscience researcher, I’m glad to see Hypebot sharing things like this!
i have just found this new music shop on the web
They have a shop and look to be reputable, does anyone have any information on them? They sell all the major brands and have a decent web page. I am looking to make a X-mas purchase from them