
Teens Are Moving From Facebook To Twitter [Pew Study]

image from www.stargroup1.comUPDATED: Facebook adoption and use by teens is flattening off, according to a new Pew Research study.  But Twitter uses is slowly but steadily growing. Eight in ten online teens use some kind of social media, says Pew. Twitter is
still not in the same league as Facebook, which attracts 77% of online
teens. Still, 24% of online teens now use Twitter, a figure that is up
from 16% in 2011. 16% of online adults are Twitter users.

image from pewinternet.orgSome Teens Don't View Twitter As Social Media

Pew data shows that a segment of teens think
of Twitter differently. "When we ask a standalone question about Twitter
use, there is consistently a group of users who say they are not
users of social networking sites, but they do use Twitter," says Pew.  Of the 24% of online teens who use Twitter, 3% say they do not
use a social networking site like Facebook.

image from pewinternet.org

Read the full Pew report.

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