Double Twist’s Magic Radio: Pandora Meets Your Awesome Music Collection
It's hard to imagine that anyone needs yet another streaming music service, but app maker Double Twist manages to approach streaming from a new and impressive angle with Magic Radio: Pandora-like custom streams that combine the users download collection (including the rare and unusual…) and playlists with an online library of 13 million songs.
For $4 a month Magic Radio Android app users get unlimited access to 7Digital's track selection combined with their own tracks and playlists. The resulting streams "uniquely tailored to your musical taste" are powered by The EchoNest and can be fine tuned much like Panodra, Spotify Radio and Slacker.
DoubleTwist has also created two of the most popular Androird music apps: AirSync (#7) and the Double Twist Player ($23). They are currently offering a free seven day Magic Radio trial.
Watch the promo demo: