Top 5 Live Streaming Music Sources, Moments & Festivals From IROCKE
IROCKE continues its quest to organize the "global marketplace of live streaming concerts" with a look back at the top live streaming sources, music moments and festivals of 2012. Their. Continue reading
Creating Your Own DJ Gigs In Alternative Spaces
Alternative spaces can be a great place to play, whether you're a dj, musician or some other kind of performer. They're especially worth considering if you're good enough to be. Continue reading
Murfie Stores Your CD’s For Streaming Everywhere
By Tyler Hayes, who runs the music discovery site Nxt Big Thing. Interestingly there’s a company that will take your old CDs, store them at their place and give you. Continue reading
Pandora To Pay Sony/ATV 25% Higher Rate
Just last month Pandora was in Washington asking for lower rates. Now comes a report that they've agreed to pay more. Music publisher Sony/ATV has independently negotiated a 25% increase. Continue reading
Amazon Brings MP3 Store To Apple’s iPhone, iPod
Amazon MP3, the second most popular digital music store, is now accessible via Apple's top ranked portable music devices, the iPod Touch and iPhone, for the first time. "Since the. Continue reading
A Better Festival Experience + The Rise of Daisy with Chase Farmer: Upward Spiral #17
Software engineer and musician Chase Farmer joins the conversation to discuss how music festivals are "ripe for hacking" in ways that can utilize technology to make for a better experience.. Continue reading
SoundExchange Announces Record $135 Million 4th Quarter Payments, $462 Million In 2012
SoundExchange announced today that it had paid out $462 million to recording artists and labels in 2012 including $134.9 million in the fourth quarter – the largest quarterly distribution in. Continue reading