Getting It Done: The Week In D.I.Y. & Indie Music
- Why Artists Should Sell to Fans and Let Labels Sell to Consumers
- 5 Tips for Identifying & Connecting with Music Bloggers for Music Coverage
- What's A Band's Best Use of $2000?
- Bandcamp Adds Social Layer with Fan Accounts
- Musicians: Are You Leaving Money on the Table?
- Branch Out: The Value of Multiple Income Streams for Musicians
- Vinyl News: Sales Growth, Vinyl Kickstarters, Marshall Crenshaw's Vinyl Subscriptions
- Musicraiser Launches Music Crowdfunding Platform & Support Network
- Tunezy Pivots From Social Record Label To Unique Ecommerce Platform for Musicians
- OurStage Launches Unique Revenue Sharing Program for Musicians
Marketing & Merchandise
- Music Merch For Seasonal Gifts: Deluxe Editions, Random Gifting, Clothing & Downloads
- Be Your Fans' Biggest Fan
- UK Band Chapel Club Encourages Fans to Remix and Resale Their Music
- Infographic: Trends and Behaviors for Effective Email Marketing
- Pirate Bay Launches "The Promo Bay" to Promote Artists to the Masses
- Social Media Tool Updates from Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook