Live & Touring

Hear It Local Brings House Concert Booking To Facebook

GetBooked-Facebook-ButtonHear It Local
is a house concert booking site with a particular stronghold in the Bay Area and the Twin Cities. Not only do fans book shows but they have the option of crowdfunding the event. This week Hear It Local launched their GetBooked Facebook app designed to get the booking process started in familiar territory.

GetBooked Facebook App: Intro Video

Hear It Local began as a band promotion site and relaunched in March to focus on house concerts. The basic process involves making a booking offer, with the choice of paying direct or crowdfunding, and hosting the show. Crowdfunded events can have a guaranteed payment to ensure artists that a show will go on.

This week Hear It Local launched their GetBooked Facebook app bringing the concert booking process into fan territory.

For example, you can see the GetBooked app at work on the FB page of Orange Avenue. Click on the tab "Book A House Concert" and the app leads you through the process from there.

Giving musicians more marketing and revenue tools is definitely a good thing and including crowdfunding as a feature is an interesting approach. Though Hear It Local presents the Facebook app tab as a powerful marketing tool, bands won't be able to simply sign up and start getting gigs without spreading the word themselves.  But if you have a fanbase and music style that could make for a successful house concert, then Hear It Local offers the tools to help.

You can find out more about the GetBooked app or see the Hear It Local FAQ for more info.


Hypebot Senior Contributor Clyde Smith (Twitter/ blogs about music crowdfunding at Crowdfunding For Musicians (@CrowdfundingM). To suggest topics for Hypebot, contact: clyde(at)fluxresearch(dot)com.

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