
SoundExchange Adds Reciprocal Digital Performance Royalty Collection In Canada

image from www.google.comSoundExchange has added a reciprocal agreement to collect digital performance royalties on behalf of its artist and label members in Canada. The digital music rights agency now has 20 international agreements globally.

The new agreement also makes it possible for Canadian recording artists and record labels signed to ACTRA Recording Artists’ Collecting Society (RACS); Societe de gestion collective de l`Union des artistes (Artisti); Audio-Video Licensing Agency (AVLA); Musicians’ Rights Organization of Canada (MROC); and Societe de gestion collective des droits des producteurs de phonogrammes et de videogrammes du Quebec (SOPROQ) to receive digital performance royalties for the use of their sound recordings in the U.S.

This agreement was brokered with Re:Sound, the Canadian not-for-profit Music Licensing Company on behalf of the five Canadian organizations.

"This agreement with Re:Sound is the most recent example of our efforts to maximize worldwide royalty payments for our recording artist and record label members, in every way possible," said SoundExchange President Michael Huppe.

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