Offline Playback Crucial To Future Of Music & Media

Guest post by Eliot Van Buskirk of It's true, what they say: Our digital lives are moving to the cloud. Whenever we fire up Facebook instead of a local. Continue reading

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Music Tech @ SXSW: Backplane Hackathon, Music Startup Village, Gear Expo, Parties

SXSW 2012 offers a variety of ways for folks in music and tech to interact, from panels to special events, despite the fact that the Interactive and Music festivals only. Continue reading

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Marketing OneOH!One: Break On Through To The Tangential Side

When Marketing music, the focus must begin and end in a single place: THE AUDIENCE. On Music Think Tank, David Greenberg blogs about the importance of knowing your audience and. Continue reading

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Cash Music Needs Our Help To Build Free Open Source Tools For Musicians

Regular Hypebot readers know how excited I get about Cash Music. It's hard to imagine anything closer to what this blog is about than a non-profit group building free tools. Continue reading

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Free GigaOM Pro Report Forecasts “The Evolution Of The Digital Music Industry”

"Forecast: The Evolution of the Digital Music Industry" is a free Midem sponsored research report from GigaOM Pro. David Card authored it with a focus on digital music sales and. Continue reading

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Self-Service Ticketer Eventbrite Passes 50M Sold

Self-service ticketing platform Eventbrite has just passed the 50 million ticket sale mark since launching in 2006.  Eventbrite's open, low-cost platform is often used for self-promoted shows and fan ticketing.. Continue reading

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HYPEBOT NEWS BRIEF: Danes Block Grooveshark, Rdio + Spain, Orchard, Mastered For iTunes & More

(UPDATED) BLOCKED: A court has ordered that a Danish ISP block Grooveshark (Music Ally), and the Pirate Bay may soon be blocked in the UK. (Guardian) Rdio has launched in. Continue reading

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The Trouble With Tribler: Unstoppable BitTorrent Client Available Via Harvard

It's difficult to sort out signal from noise in the uproar surrounding filesharing technologies. Even as a number of BitTorrent-related sites have begun to shut down voluntarily, a 5 year. Continue reading

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Advertising Indie: Earbits Helps Bands Find Fans

     Bess Rogers on Earbits Guest post by former Hypebot editor and Billboard chart manager Kyle Bylin, now content manager at It’s easy for bands to distribute their music,. Continue reading

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New Music Marketing Tools From Pinwheel, Cinemagram, YouTube & Facebook

As new social sites and services keep appearing, older ones keep updating. Though none of these four are music-specific, all have great potential for music marketing: Pinwheel is a new. Continue reading

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