Music Think Tank

Advice For Beginners & A Reminder To Veterans In The Music Industry

20070803_working_together_2 The music industry can be rough and it is made worse by artists and music industry employees backstabbing and undercutting each other. Instead of acting this way, people in the music industry need to understand a certain principle. On Music Think Tank, Sher Lefever shares the steadfast principle that stands the test of time:

"You will get further in this business by working WITH others then working against them."

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  1. Yeah, except when you look at the biographies of people who are actually successful in this business, you quickly learn the total opposite is true. Granted, the business would be a better place if it operated like want it to, but…this advice is just true.

  2. Just look at the top earners: men like Lyor Cohen or Irving Azoff. Take a look at their biographies and ask around about their reputation. That’s how you “make it” in the industry.

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