
Facebook Users Don’t Spend Much Time Using Facebook Apps [CHART]

image from www.google.com The new ComScore study "The Power Of Like" reveals that Facebook users spend most of their time (27%) in their News Feed and relatively little (10%) using apps.  That's not to say that there's aren't successful apps that add value to the Facebook experience.  But it's a reminder of how important activity – which appears in a fan's feed – have even greater influence. 

CHART: Time Spent On Facebook By Section:

image from static5.businessinsider.com via Business Insider

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  1. This is why Headliner uses the news feed and the stream on Twitter. It’s where your fans are on Facebook and Twitter.
    Artsits also can reach fans on mobile and tablets all with one marketing execution.
    CEO and Founder of Headliner.fm
    ( and for disclosure an advertiser on Hypebot)

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