Music Marketing News: JAMBOX, Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys, Biz Markie, ESSENCE Music Fest & More
A weekly roundup of the latest promotions and deals in the world of music branding and marketing.
Jawbone's JAMBOX speaker packaging by fuseproject wins a Dieline Award for its old school boombox inspiration.
Alicia Keys connects with some big brands including Thursday's Sessions +1 debut, a live streaming AOL Music event. She's also linked up with the Sony Wonder Technology Lab for Music Mixer, an interactive exhibit allowing visitors to remix "Empire State of Mind (Part II)."
1-800-LAW-FIRM, a company that clearly knows a thing or two about branding, is mounting a class action suit against Lady Gaga for allegedly misrepresenting a fund drive for Japanese relief efforts. Who you gonna call?
Biz Markie recently released a limited edition line of sneakers called the Pro-Ked's 69er.
Coca-Cola is offering $125,000 in scholarships to five HBCUs in Louisiana as part of their extensive involvement in this weekend's ESSENCE Music Festival. Note: the ESSENCE Music Festival will also be summer hq for "High Impact Brand Event Activations"!
SoBe's Try Everything campaign features Pandora's "first-ever, in-tuner animated video advertisement".
Malibu Rum has created the Station Invasion Concert Tour, presented by Radio Maliboom Boom hitting 10 cities with Taio Cruz, Ciara and DJ Skribble.
MySpace is sold to an ad company whose media empire aspirations are further bolstered by celebrity investor Justin Timberlake who will provide an easy hook for future marketing efforts.
Cannes Lion featured a range of musicians, marketers and marketer musicians discussing the increasingly important relationship between brands and music.
Thomas Dolby builds to the release of a new album with a web-based game called The Floating City.
Hypebot contributor Clyde Smith is a freelance writer and blogger. Flux Research is his business writing hub and All World Dance: World Dance News is his primary web project.