
Join The Discussion: Should Music Say No To Apple’s iCloud?

image from A recent Hypebot post "Indie Label Says No To Apple's iCloud: Copyrights Trampled, An Insult" drew some heated comments including from the owner of Numero, the indie label that started the controversy by reading the terms and conditions for Apple's new iCloud and iTunes Music Match service and opting out. Recently Digital Audio Insider and Billboard join the discussion and you should to. Share your thoughts on the iCloud here.

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  1. Apple’s ICloud is nothing more than a monopoly on your music that consumers pay them to store. Once in the cloud I can only purchase from the cloud base service. Sounds like a horrible idea, that seems appealing because now I can play my music on any device connected to the cloud; I all ready do!

  2. Once again, artists make virutally nothing.
    When will artists stand up for themselves?

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