Amazon Sells Entire New Lady Gaga Album For $0.99
(UPDATED) We've seen deep discounting before from Amazon. But today the online retailer is hit new lows by offering a download of the new Lady Gaga album "Born This Way"
along with a digital version of the CD booklet today only for just 99 cents (here)
. Gaga fans who buy via Amazon will also get an upgrade to a 20 GB of Cloud Drive music locker.
In the past, Amazon a subsidized deep discounts to drive traffic, but this time they're also clearly hoping to attract new users to its cloud music locker and player prior to an iTunes Cloud launch. And Lady Gaga gets more casual first week purchases to help drive what is certain to be an impressive #1 chart debut.
The big problem with this is that I can only smugly state i’m 99 cents better off for not having bought it.
Still, good to see Amazon pricing McMusic albums based on the quality of their content.
First, you guys REALLY need to have your posts properly edited. That first sentence isn’t written correctly. It should read:
“We’ve seen deep discounting before from Amazon, but today the online retailer has hit new highs (and lows) offering a download of the full new Lady Gaga album “Born This Way”, along with a digital version of the CD booklet, for just 99 cents here.”
Second, that album cover is just horrendous! I STILL can’t believe that’s what was chosen! It looks like they ran out of money and let Gaga create it while coked out.
Third, I can’t for the life of me understand how this could be beneficial to Lady Gaga or her label, selling the new album SO cheap. Is the album not selling well enough and they’re trying to squeeze out as much profits from it as possible? Are they getting some kind of back end of the deal for turning people onto the cloud service? I just don’t get it.
Free album download at
This is what u call DESPERATE for a number 1 album.
I downloaded mine early this morning with no problems. But apparently, Amazon’s servers have been slammed, and therefore, Lady Gaga’s ratings are going down, down, down. On one hand, I sympathize with folks not getting the album fast enough, but some of the comments are so dumb. Unfortunately, a lot of them vow never to use Amazon MP3 download again. That’s probably not what they were hoping for today.
53 one star reviews and counting.
I think that is a great deal and it is totally awesome to give that away for 0.99, kudos to Lady Gaga
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I think it’s sad and I doubt it was Lady Gaga’s idea to give away her album. Amazon is really good at taking advantage of singers, writers, etc.
so music from arguably the biggest artist in the world is worth $1 via a legitamate retailer. What does that make your music worth. This is BAD for the industry.
It’s amazing and only those little monsters who’ve revolutionized their lives truly appreciate it’s empowering message.
Lady gaga is my favorite singer, I have her all albums and start my schedule with her songs.