#NMSLA11 Overheard Today @ New Music Seminar
- Tom Silverman's New Music Seminar keynote: Label role will split into investors who kick in $'s and business partners for marketing, sales, licensing etc. – @alexpham
- What's the value of a twitter, MySpace, Facebook fan? Answer: what is THAT fan doing for you! – @cramerbob
- Facebook ads have been really good for The Roxy… only advertising in the LA Weekly when it makes sense. – @l_ementary
- "We don't do a marketing campaign without Facebook ads now," according to Dean from Raise Up Media – @l_ementary Andy
- 74% of Americans still buy CDs. – @alexpham
- ReverbNation: each name on email list is 8x more valuable than a Facebook fan. – @alexpham
- US figures 2010: only 1215 albums who sold over 10000 copies in US. Damn, shocking… – @femke_mussels
- Andy from @jambase cites Umphrees McGee encouraging fans to text the band song requests during shows – @l_ementary