Social Media

Logo A GoGo: MySpace Can’t Seem To Pick A Logo

image from As if to offer visual proof that it's trying hard to find it's place in the social media universe, MySpace is using several different new logos simultaneously. Just weeks ago the "space" was deleted (see left), but yesterday at the top of an official press release, it was reinserted. And if that's not confusing enough, MySpace created a new site to encourage user generated variations of the MySpace logos much like Google modifies its logo to celebrate special events. Here's a visual history of MySpace logos past and present:

First came:

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Then a shift to blue:

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Slogans like "A Please For Friends" and "A Place For Music" have come and gone and come again.

Sometimes the logo went from a rectangle to round:

image from
Just a few weeks ago, with much fanfare, "space" was replaced by a… space

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But yesterday, perhaps to make sure the media didn't get confused, a press release announcing a new MySpace Mobile site was headlined with the space inserted back into the logo:

image from

Now, just in case they need a few more logos, MySpace has created Logo a Gogo, where users can create their own variations for possible publication. image from image from



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