More Music Industry News: Apple’s Music Challenges, LiveUniverse Shut, S-Curve, HootSuite, Grooveshark & more
Is Apple Willing To Challenge Label's Claims That Streaming Purchased Music Needs A License? (TechDirt)
- Is the iTune's App store run fairly? European regulators have teamed with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission in probing Apple's policies for mobile software developers. (NY Post)
- Is Apple planning mid-September music event? (CNet)
- Court Orders LiveUniverse to Shutter Unlicensed Lyrics Sites. (DMW)
- Amazon Digital Discount Helps Arcade Fire Hit No. 1. (NY Times)
- Viacom appeals YouTube copyright ruling as promised. (MediaMemo)
- MySpace gets a new user home page. (Hypebot) What do you think of it?
- S-Curve Records has moved from EMI to Universal Music Group Distribution (UMGD) for distribution, as well as, an exclusive license deal with Universal Music Canada.
- HootSuite – our favorite SN tool – goes freemium. Will start charging for some services soon. (HootSuite)
- Apple finally approved the Grooveshark iPhone app. (Grooveshark)
- Chart Game Change Part 2: CMT's Jay Frank Weighs In on new ways to chart artist popularity. (HuffPost)
- Facebook Breaks With Google on Net Neutrality (Bits) plus our analysis of the proposed net neutrality rules and their affect on music innovation. (Hypebot)
- The Real Cost Of A Free Concert. A look at the history and future of Brooklyn's Pool Parties. (NPR)
- Quick Change in Strategy for a Bookseller. (NYTimes)
Artists like Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Lil Wayne, could begin to receive royalties for radio play. (NYDaily)
- KickassTorrents Taken Down After Copyright Concerns – One of the fastest growing and most visited torrent sites on the Internet, has been pulled offline after an inquiry from the Ukrainian authorities. The site’s main server was shut down and the site’s founder and his team are currently setting up shop outside the country. KickassTorrents is expected to return in a few days, TorrentFreak was told.