
More New Music Industry News: Universal vs. iTunes, Pirate Bay Returns, Sirius, Shazam & More

  • image from upload.wikimedia.org Universal throws down the gauntlet to download stores.
    – Does Universal Music Group's declaration that new download stores have to innovate really mean they are happy with iTunes' domination? (Guardian)
  • How Facebook’s Privacy Problems Affect Music Discovery and Recommendation (Billboard.biz)
  • As expected, The Pirate Bay returns. (CNet)
  • Sirius XM Ups Its Estimate For Subscriber Adds By 50 Percent  (paidContent)
  • Shazam stats: 75m users and 1bn identified songs. (Music Ally)
  • FYI, Pandora Makes Your Music Public (Wired)
  • How To Make It As An Artist In The New Music Business (Huffington Post)

  • image from backstage.blogs.com The Future Of Music Coalition
    is holding its annual D.C. Policy Day in Washington on Tuesday May 25th. They'll also be webcasting the event live.
  • To celebrate its 5th Anniversary (and 2 billion video vies daily)YouTube has created an interesting page of its top of its top videos. (YouTube)
  • WORTHY CLICK: Not-ify is a tumblr blog that tracks Spotify's own
    words to track their U.S. launch plans. Thanks to Hypebot reader Stu for
    the tip.

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