
More Music Industry News: Last.fm Outsources Streaming, MySpace Subscription, Twitter Ads & More


  • image from www.alessandroraffa.it Last.FM’s outsources music streaming to Spotify, MOG, The Hype Machine, We7 and VEVO.(Mashable, Mark Mulligan, Last.fm)
  • MySpace may launch subscription music service this
    year. (Music Ally)
  • Spotify is getting slammed by songwriters. – A songwriters' association has criticized the Spotify streaming service over 'tiny' payments to musicians. (Guardian)
  • Twitter adds search ads. (CNet)
  • A great overview of Britain's new Digital Economy (aka anti-piracy) bill. (here) And don't miss Hypebot's op-ed on this important piece of legislation.
  • Google is planning it's own iPad competitor (NY Times) and here's a first l0ok at what HP is planning for an iPad killer.
  • Music Tank's Sam Shemtob on "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Pre-Release?" (MidemNet)
  • The Huffington Post is expanding into the arts. (paidContent)
  • CD Baby artists can make money on MySpace Music. (CD Baby)
  • Facebook May Be About To Jump Into The Virtual Currency Offers Game (TechCrunch)

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