
More Music Industry News: Sony Sales Up, Music Via ISP, Push + Pull Music & More

  • image from itsnothingserious.files.wordpress.com Sony sales, earnings bounce back. (CNet) Things ae even looking up in the music division. (Media Memo) Compare that to EMI
  • Apple's smartphone market share dips despite strong sales. (ars)
  • Analysis: How Much Is A Good Music Service Worth To A Large ISP? (Billboard) The power of music to reduce costly consumer churn is something other industries should explore.
  • Analysis: Push and pull makes the perfect music service. (Music Ally) This article focuses on Spotify, but  if you want to see push/pull music in action also check out MOG.
  • David Packman weighs in on Amazon Macmillan pricing debate
  • Keith Urban Gets All Confused About Support For Downloading – After being voted favorite male artist at the People’s Choice Awards last month, during his acceptance speech Keith Urban showed why the people love him. Speaking of his music the star said: “I don’t even care if you download it illegally, give it to your friends, I really don’t care.” Just a month later he says he didn’t mean that at all.(TorrentFreak)
  • Five (non-obvious) ways to get new fans. (LA Times)
  • Anti RIAA site P2p.net shuts down. (Wired)

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