
More Music Industry News: Teamsters, Kiss, AOL Layoffs, Guvera.com, Pandora Soars & More

  • image from www.weblo.com Composers and lyricists make pitch to join Teamsters – Seeing demand for movie and TV music growing and take-home pay shrinking, about half of a group of 400 sign up to band together with an unlikely ally. (LA Times
  • KISS Celebrates Their Guitar Hero Downloadable Songs Release with Their First Web Concert on Facebook via Ustream.
  • Analysis: "The Demos P2P Study and Other File-Sharing Numbers" from Glen Peoples @ Billboard.biz
  • AOL: We need to fire 2,500 'volunteers'. That's 1/3 of the staff. (CNet)
  • image from c1.ac-images.myspacecdn.com Universal Music has licensed Australian based ad supported download site Guvera.com which is scheduled to launch in the US early next year.  The company's technology also makes it possible for brands and advertisers to target broad or very specific consumer segments. (press release) Before you say (as I almost did), here's another ad supported music service ready to fail, check out the way they handle ads and targeting.  If brands buy in, the concept has potential.
  • Pandora jumps ahead in US internet radio rankings – Pandora jumps to #1
    for Domestic rankings based on Average Active Sessions from 6a.m.-8p.m.
    weekdays, with 230,435 AAS and over 66.8 million session starts in
    October. CBS Radio is #2, followed by Clear Channel Radio, Citadel Broadcasting and Entercom at #5. When expanded to all week and 6a.m.-midnight, the rankings remained the same. (FMQB)
  • U.S. Labels Unconvinced By Spotify’s Freemium Model. (paidContent)
  • Are The Record Labels Using Bluebeat's Bogus Copyright Defense To Avoid Having To Give Copyrights Back To Artists? (TechDirt)

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