Apps, Mobile & SMS

Monetizing Mobile Content: Hybrid Models

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eMarketer is predicting that by 2013, nearly 50% of mobile phone users will access the mobile Internet at least monthly. Along with rising smartphone shipments and increases in spending on mobile data plans, this will create a growing mobile content market. 

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Mobile Internet users, used to a largely ad-supported Web, will expect free content on their phones as well. But content owners, after years of experience with monetization, will have a direct-revenue mindset. Mobile applications are a major channel for content delivery to mobile devices. In September 2009, the Yankee Group estimated that US paid smartphone application revenues would reach $4.2 billion in 2013—an order of magnitude above the 2009 estimate of $343 million.

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  1. I’m very curious to see how this will all play out. No doubt there will be greedy companies pushing for direct rev, but they really need to offer freemium or “lite versions” of things such as you see in the itunes app store.
    Mobile is huge especially with urban minorities where a phone is their only portal to the internet being that they do not have computers in the household.
    Interesting stuff, thanks for posting these stats.

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