How NOT To Quit Twitter: Miley Cyrus Raps “Good-bye Twitter” On YouTube
If you read Hypebot, you probably don't care much about Miley "Hannah Montana" Cyrus. And since it has already been viewed more than 1.4 million times, you may have already seen this video. But I post it again here purely for instructional purposes; as in..How Not To Quit Twitter.
It's easy to forget that in the world of entertainment, how you exit is just as important as how you enter. Apparently, Miley Cyrus has not yet learned that lesson. After amassing the social trust of 2 million Twitter followers, young Ms. Cyrus abruptly quit tweeting with the declaration that her boyfriend wanted her to "for good reasons". Apparently unhappy with the What the F?'s that followed, she decided that a rap recorded in a bathroom was needed to explain her actions (She has started to "tweet her pimples.") on YouTube.
…and she didn’t even spit out her gum first!

Y’know, I’ve always had the feeling that opening up personally via social networking is not going to be a good thing for many artists. Having musical ability has nothing to do with being a good socialite or media personality.
I’m not really talking about the spcifics of Miley Cyrus here but this has just got me thinking about this subject again.
I first formulated this opinion well before social networking became the rage, instead it was in relation to high profile sports personalities appearing on TV talking about stuff other than sport.
They almost always end up putting their foot in their mouth and saying something really boneheaded because, guess what, shock horror, outside of the field they have specialised in, they are just ordinary people with a viewpoint that has no more likelyhood of being more informed than the person sitting on the couch on the other side of the screen.
Being a good artists does not necessarily mean that you present well socially. In fact it could be argued that a certain degree of social detachment/inability can improve your ability to see outside the box and create art with accurate insight on the human condition. (Gone way off Miley Cyrus now 😉 )
Anyway, I just think there is a huge danger with social networking of showing your fans that your really not all that. Which is just not good for business.
On the one hand, I think Miley is really dumb and annoying.
On the other hand, she’s an American teen keeping it real in a pretty large spotlight and I sort of respect that despite her regular missteps.
@Sam K:
“Y’know, I’ve always had the feeling that opening up personally via social networking is not going to be a good thing for many artists.”
Plenty of artists, in all genres, that make great art are not themselves great people. That was one of the reasons one of my art history teachers said he never tried to meet artists and actually tended to avoid them. It got in the way of his critical response to their work.
Re: Miss Miley, I actually don’t think this is such a bad way for her to explain why she quit Twitter. It seems in keeping with her overall brand and my prejudiced assumptions about her fanbase.
And that’s who matters, right? How many people that hate on this video are buying her music and merch anyway?
And whoever wrote the line about tweeting her pimples was spot on:
Seems to me that she’s being pretty sensible wanting to have her private life stay private. Every night the rag that passes as an evening paper in London has scoured stars’ Twitter accounts for gossip and then exaggerated further. Why make it easy for those lazy scum? You have to be clever like Lily Allen or Paloma Faith to make Twitter work for you. ‘Course, I’m probably older than her grandfather so what do I know?
Seriously,I`m thinking of doing the same thing. I think Miley may have been unable to use her pc with moderation so she quit. It must be like quitting smoking. You have to tell the world about it.
I can’t believe that we as a society are interested in Miley Cyrus to the extent that we apparently are. I can understand if you’re a teenaged girl, but why is this even news?