
More Music News: Dynamic Ticket Pricing, UK Crackdown Debate, Kayne Explodes, Label Exec Arrested & More

  • Tickets Ticketmaster plans to unveil dynamic pricing on some events and one analyst says it could give the ticketing giant a boost even without a Live Nation merger. (TicketNews)
  • TWO UK VIEWS: 1) Filesharing crackdown divides UK music industry.  A coalition of artists says moves to suspend offenders' broadband connections are like 'cracking a nut with a sledgehammer'. (Guardian) 2) Filesharing is defended by gigging performers, but who pays the songwriter?
    Artists can sing for their supper. Composers can’t. (Times UK)
  • Beyonce does damage control after Kanye West’s VMA outburst. (Boston Herald, includes video of the outburst.)
  • iPods Still Reign Supreme, but Competition Closes In (PC World)
  • 'Label Executive’ Arrested in DV8 Music Piracy Investigation
    The major online music release group DV8 had been severely disrupted in
    June after a police and music industry investigation led to arrests.
    Now there have been further arrests. (TorrentFreak)
  • Mike Masnick's Techdirt follows the example of the musicians he often writes about experimenting with the freemium model. (CNet)
  • All Four Major Labels Sue Ellen DeGeneres Show. (FMQB)
  • Bandcamp drops 128K downloads in favor of 320K.
  • Spotify is back to invite only in the UK due to "huge demand" for its mobile service. (Billboard)
  • Make sure you didn't miss anything important last week with Hypebot's Music Industry Week In Review.
  • R.I.P. Punk rocker and poet Jim Carroll.

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