
More Music Industry News: Datz, We7, Publishers Attack iTunes, eMusic & More

  • UK unlimited mp3 site Datz has stopped operation.
  • The Beatles and Jay-Z dominate the weekly sales chart. (FMQB)
  • Why We7 serves musicians as well as fans. Barely a week goes by without the media writing stories on Spotify. But I think there's a far better free music streaming service out there. (Guardian)
  • Music publishers: iTunes not paying fair share. (CNet)
  • ToonsTunes launches virtual community offering an online recording studio and concert performances for kids. (press release)
  • Analysis: eMusic Positions Itself In The New Album Era (Billboard)
  • Twitter goes for a new round of funding based on a $1 Billion valuation. (MediaMemo)
  • R.I.P.Mary Travers of Peter Paul & Mary.

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