
Dokken vs. Chicken For Norton Anti-Virus

I never know where the line is.  On the one hand, any media attention is usually better than none at all. On the other hand,  closeups of aging heavy metal stars contemplating battle with a raw chicken may not be what Dokken wants to be remembered for.  Is this as amusing or sad?  You tell me. 

There’s another in the Dokken ad series after the jump.

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  1. i loved it – dokken is still putting out great records and has a sense of humor about their legacy. it’s a paycheck and why not?

  2. I wasn’t able to view the video right away when I saw the post – i was at work and video is blocked. I was thinking “oh crap here we go, one of my favorite bands from the eighties gonna make it hard for me to respect them anymore (see Ozzy).”
    BUT, now that I’ve seen it, it really isn’t that bad. Pretty harmless compared to a lot of the crap you see artists do on VH1 reality shows.
    Dave, maybe you should send them a copy of your manifesto! Perhaps there is something in there that could put them on a better path. Hell, Don only sold 10 million albums, I am sure there is something he may have missed.

  3. LOVED it! Sure, they’re an aging heavy metal band but this was well done and shows a great sense of humor. Makes me love the band all over again. The one with the switch blade was the best in my opinion.

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